
Aquablation Therapy: A Cutting-Edge Solution for BPH

BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia word made with building blocks.

Aquablation® therapy represents a significant advancement in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH). This innovative procedure combines robotic technology with a high-velocity water jet to precisely remove excess prostate tissue. Unlike traditional methods, Aquablation® provides a highly controlled approach to alleviating symptoms associated with an enlarged prostate.

How Does Aquablation® Work?

During the Aquablation® procedure, a robotic system guides a water jet to precisely target and ablate (remove) prostate tissue. The use of water allows for a more controlled and less invasive removal of tissue compared to traditional surgical methods. This precision helps minimize damage to surrounding tissues and reduces the risk of complications.

Benefits of Aquablation® Therapy

  1. BPH Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia word made with building blocks.Precision and Control: The robotic guidance system ensures accurate tissue removal, tailored to the individual anatomy of the patient.
  2. Reduced Risk of Complications: Aquablation® typically involves fewer risks of bleeding and sexual side effects compared to conventional prostate surgeries.
  3. Effective Symptom Relief: Many patients experience significant improvements in urinary symptoms and overall quality of life.

Recovery and Results

Recovery from Aquablation® therapy is generally swift, with most patients returning to normal activities within a few weeks. While temporary urinary symptoms may occur, these are usually manageable and resolve with time. The procedure’s minimally invasive nature often leads to a quicker recovery compared to more invasive surgical options.

Schedule Your Consultation in Central Coast, CA

If you’re considering treatment for BPH and want to explore Aquablation® therapy, consulting with our board-certified urologists is essential. Call (805) 786-2500 to schedule a consultation at our urology clinics in Central Coast, CA today.